The Pastoral Council consists of the Pastor together with a group of parishioners chosen by the parish community. They share responsibility for the building a vital Christian community focused on living and promoting God's values of love, justice and peace.. AIMS:
MEMBERSHIP The following are current members of the Parish Pastoral Council: Parish Priest
Rev Fr Peter Gablonski Office Bearers Chairperson: Cathy Peacock Vice-Chair: Martin Smith Secretary: Leslie Scott Council Members Ciprian Manutai Denise Jones Leanne Cook Marea Teakle Maria Pangilinan Malcolm Mittra OVERVIEW & PROCESS
The term of a Pastoral Councilor is for 3 years with half of the council being renewed every 18 months. You can nominate yourself or other people who you think might be suitable in this role. The person will then be asked along to the discernment sessions. Note that this does not automatically mean you become a Parish Councilor! You have the option to decline. All we ask at this stage is for you to attend the discernment sessions. The sessions will provide both information on what it is to be a councilor and prayerful reflection to ask the Holy Spirit if this is your calling. Should you wish to continue/ are selected, then your term on the Council will start and last for 3 years. At the end of the term there is no obligation to continue to another term. The full description of the Pastoral Council and what is entailed can be found by following the ministry link. |